I think working with Capri was challenging Because we both had different ideas but we got through it together.
The good thing was we were good at working together.
Script By Capri and Ruby
Characters-Capri/Lilly, Ruby/April, Tane/James, Troy/Charles
Scene 1
Lilly: I wanna watch the amazing world of gumball.
April: No let's watch gravity falls
James: Nah Thats dumb! Let's watch the simpsons
Charles: No let's watch peppa pig.
Lilly, April, James all look at Charles:NO LETS WATCH GRAVIT… The amazing world of... SIMPS… OINK OINK PEPPA PIG.
Scene 2
James:STOP we need to find a way to watch tv without arguing over it.
April:Why don't we go outside in the pool?
James:It is the middle of winter April.
April: OOF!
Charles:Why don't we go to the movies?
Lilly:We are in the middle of a crisis you know COVID 19.
Scene 3
Charles: I have an idea, let's go buy some tvs.
James: OMG! That is the most… Dumbest idea i've ever heard.
Lilly:Were in the middle of a crise here it's called COVID-19 unless you live under a rock you'll know about it
April and Charles go to the TV store.
Scene 4
At the Tv store.
April: Oh! It's closed wow!
Charles: Let's go through the chimney?
April:No there is no chimney you're not santa charles.
Charles: OH!
They go home
April: it was closed
Charles: I was going to climb through the chimney
Lilly: shhhhhhhhhhhh Were watching
April: ohhhhhhhh spongbob my fav
Charles: Im patrick.
James:Im patrick!.
April:Stop it boys, you're acting like 5 year olds.
The Tv shuts down
Charles: Come on i was about to ask if we could watch peppa pig.
James:Are you serious, The power turned off.
James, April,And Charles look at Lilly.
Scene 5
Lilly: What are you guys looking at?
Charles: What is that?
April: Is that a ipad.
They all fight over the ipad.
Scene 6
The tv turns on again.
Lilly: I'm watching the amazing world of gumball.
Charles: No, I'm watching peppa pig.
April: No! No! No! I'm watching gravity fall.
James: What are you talking about? I'm watching the simpsons.
They all fight over the remote.
Scene 7
Until the Hospital people came around.
Lilly: Hello do you need something?
Bob:Hi there we are doing covid test please step out of the building.
They all step out
Scene 8
James: Is this going to take long?
Bob: No, just a swab.
They take their swab.
Lilly: Ew!
Bob: UM! Is there a Charles here?
Charles: Over here!
Bob: You have Covid 19 please step into the truck.
Charles steps into the truck.
Lilly: were are they taking him.
James: Dont care.
April: Yeah! He was annoying any way.
James,April,Lilly: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
"Spongebob Squarepants"
Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!
"Spongebob Squarepants"
If nautical nonsense be something you wish
"Spongebob Squarepants"
Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish! Spongebob squarepants spongebob squarepants spongebob squarepants dadadadadadada!.
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