
Monday, August 31, 2020

Why flooding causes destruction

 Why flooding causes destruction.

People usually think flooding isn't that serious. But flooding can kill anything in its way such as houses,  cars, schools, and most of all people. Did you know that a flash flood can go up 30 feet and a car can be taken away in just 2 feet of flood water.

A flood is an overflow of water. And most floods can take up to hours or even days to be formed. Climate change is increasing the risks of floods world wide.  And melting ice and other factors can cause rising sea levels. 

To survive a flood you need to go to high ground so the flood does not reach you . You also need to look after all living creatures such as your pets. Most Pets can't swim for long, dogs drown in only 10 minutes and cats can swim but sometimes they choose not to. 

Floods are caused by global warming or climate change. Climate change is caused by a lot of things like greenhouse gases and us humans.  The sea levels are rising and creating more floods.

Flooding is something very serious and it is damaging things people have made. Do you know that millions of people have died. A Lot of things have happened in this weather and it needs to stop.

By Ruby

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Script By Capri and Ruby

 I think working with Capri was challenging Because we both had different ideas but we got through it together.

The good thing was we were good at working together.

Script By Capri and Ruby

 Characters-Capri/Lilly, Ruby/April, Tane/James, Troy/Charles

Scene 1

Lilly: I wanna watch the amazing world of gumball.

April: No let's watch gravity falls

James: Nah Thats dumb! Let's watch the simpsons

Charles: No let's watch peppa pig.

Lilly, April, James all look at Charles:NO LETS WATCH GRAVIT… The amazing world of... SIMPS…  OINK OINK PEPPA PIG.

Scene 2

James:STOP we need to find a way to watch tv without arguing over it.

April:Why don't we go outside in the pool?

James:It is the middle of winter April.

April: OOF!

Charles:Why don't we go to the movies?

Lilly:We are in the middle of a crisis you know COVID 19.

Scene 3

Charles: I have an idea, let's go buy some tvs.

James: OMG! That is the most… Dumbest idea i've ever heard.

Lilly:Were in the middle of a crise here it's called COVID-19  unless you live under a rock you'll know about it

April and Charles go to the TV store.

Scene 4

At the Tv store.

April: Oh! It's closed wow!

Charles: Let's go through the chimney?

April:No there is no chimney you're not santa charles.

Charles: OH!

They go home

April: it was closed 

Charles: I was going to climb through the chimney

Lilly: shhhhhhhhhhhh Were watching


April: ohhhhhhhh spongbob my fav

Charles: Im patrick.

James:Im patrick!.

April:Stop it boys, you're acting like 5 year olds.

The Tv shuts down

Charles: Come on i was about to ask if we could watch peppa pig.

James:Are you serious, The power turned off.

James, April,And Charles  look at Lilly.

Scene 5

Lilly: What are you guys looking at?

Charles: What is that?

April: Is that a ipad.

They all fight over the ipad.

Scene 6

The tv turns on again.

Lilly: I'm watching the amazing world of gumball.

Charles: No, I'm watching peppa pig.

April: No! No! No! I'm watching gravity fall.

James: What are you talking about? I'm watching the simpsons.

They all fight over the remote.

Scene 7

Until the Hospital people came around.

Lilly: Hello do you need something?

Bob:Hi there we are doing covid test please step out of the building.

They all step out

Scene 8

James: Is this going to take long?

Bob: No, just a swab.

They take their swab.

Lilly: Ew!

Bob: UM! Is there a Charles here?

Charles: Over here!

Bob: You have Covid 19 please step into the truck.

Charles steps into the truck.

Lilly: were are they taking him.

James: Dont care.

April: Yeah! He was annoying any way.

James,April,Lilly: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

"Spongebob Squarepants"

Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!

"Spongebob Squarepants"

If nautical nonsense be something you wish

"Spongebob Squarepants"

Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish! Spongebob squarepants spongebob squarepants spongebob squarepants dadadadadadada!.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Script by Ruby & Troy

Scene 2.
Cormac: hi little pupScript
Characters: capri, cormac, Brodie, Johnson
Scene 1.
Cormac: mum can I have a dog!

Capri: If you eat all your vegetables.

Cormac: But mum, that's dum!

Cormac: I will eat five tubs of ice cream instead!

Capri: Cormac bryan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cormac eats his vegetables for a dog.  
Cormac gets a dog.   

Brodie: hi

Cormac: what he can talk!!

Cormac: Mum he can talk!

Capri: Don´t be stupid cormac!

Brodie: my names brodie what's yours

Cormac: HI I´m cormac

Cormac: wanna be friends.

Cormac goes to school and leaves Brodie behind. Cormac comes back from school and has a whole lot of homework.
Scene 3.

Cormac: Ahhhhhhhhh I have a lot of homework to do.

Brodie: I can to It.

Brodie finishes cormacs home work in seconds. Brodie hands it back to school the next day and gets A+. 
The next day Cormac goes to school with Brodie.

Johnson: hey nerd why did you get a+.

He pushes Cormac 
Brodie comes and scares Johnson away viciously.

Cormac: thanks little bud

Brodie: all good!

That night cormac and brodie were staying up all night playing Fortnight.
Scene 4.

Brodie: Is it my turn yet, I've been waiting here for hours.

Cormac:Not yet (As he was concentrating on the game)

Alarm rings 

Cormac:Turn that off.

Brodie turns alarm clock off

Capri:What are you doing cormac i only told you a hour not 10 hours.

Cormac: No! Please let me have another hour.

Capri:No! Get off now.

Cormac turns off the game and angrily stomps to his Room.

Capri:Brodie where are you boy!

Capri runs up to cormac's room worried.

Capri:Were is Brodie.

Cormac: What!

Cormac looks confused and runs down to the kitchen.

Cormac:He was here last night.

Cormac looks at the window the window was wide open.

After hours of looking for Brodie finally…
Scene 5

Brodie:Cormac! Cormac!

Cormac runs over to a old tree.

Cormac:What are you doing here.

Brodie: I needed some space.

Cormac gives Brodie a whole tub of ice cream.


Cormac:Let's go play some more fortnight.

Brodie:Wait! Will it be mine turn now.

Cormac being very silent.

Brodie:cormac! CORMAC!  ( Walking away from camera)

The end

Monday, August 3, 2020

A paris Trip

A paris trip
Thursday 2nd july 2020

Once upon a time there lived a little girl called Poppy she always dreamed to go to Paris.As the years past she turned 16 and was aloud to do whatever she wants.Through those years she saved a lot of money exactly $2,000 she had never spent any of that money only on a beautiful paris jewelry box.

On her 16th birthday she had planned to go to Paris but was too young so that night she had packed and was peppered so she escaped out the window.As she came to the airport it wasnt that big it was like a box with only one airplane “ Hello can i have one tiket to new york” she asked the man looked at her he got a piece of paper and stamped in hard.

After an hour of waiting she finally hered “PARIS!” she jumped up and ran to the plane she tried to find her seat but there were only 4 seats so she went anywhere.As the plane went off she closed her eyes...