One bad dream
One cold day Mia and Bruno we sitting by the fire while mother was making hot chocolate. Bruno stared out the window with tears in his eyes.what's the matter said Mia moving over to him ¨nothing ̈ as he wiped the tears out of his eyes.
Ok children here is your hot… mother stopped what was that she said in a scared voice. What was what Bruno said there was a big bang everything was quiet until bangggggggg! AAAAAAAAAAAAA! Mia started screaming.
After a while, they were up in the air mia! Mother cried Brunoooooo! Mia cried as she flew a different way. Bruno turned the other way to mother ̈mother are you ok ̈ as he saw mother trying hard to breath. Her only last words were ̈go save your sister.
So he did what mother said he was getting very high nearly into space. As he looked around he saw Mia floating below him he tried to slow down but he couldn't.
So he yelled out ̈take my hand¨ she stretched her arms and got ya. Bruno pulled mia into his arms and hugged her very tight as they got high into the sky it stopped. everything was back to normal AAAAAAAAAAAA! He woke up and saw himself in his own bed as well as Mia MOTHER! He yelled she came in yes! He ran up to her and hugged her tightly what was that for everything Bruno said in a quiet voice.