
Tuesday, June 25, 2019


hello, recently rm 4 has been doing what if... you have to right different perspectives
there is a positive chair, problem chair, and an idea chair today we did what if... there was no school
yesterday we did what if... superheroes were really here. are mine.⇣⇣

positive chair🠋

problem chair🠟

    idea chair⮟⮟


what if... there was no school

positive chair

 problem chair

idea chair

🍍Healthy Eating🍓

🍍Healthy Eating🍓

Staying healthy physically can help you stay healthy emotionally too. If you're eating the right food and keeping fit, your body will be strong and help you to cope with stress and also fight illness. Eating well and exercising often when you're a teenager will also help you stay in good health later in life.

Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases (like heart disease and cancer), and promote your overall health.

If you don't eat enough food, your body will respond in many ways, some of them potentially harmful. Perceiving that food is scarce, your body will initiate changes that lower your need for calories. Your metabolism may slow down and you may feel tired. Chronic dieting, in fact, can lead to an eating disorder.

Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel good, and have energy. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins, and minerals. Nutrition is important for everyone. 

No food or diet can prevent you from getting breast cancer.

A healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy can help to reduce your risk of heart disease by maintaining blood pressure and cholesterol levels. High blood pressure and cholesterol can be a symptom of too much salt and saturated fats in your diet. 

Thank you for reading




For the past few weeks room, 4 has been doing some science. we have done different things each day

here are some things we have done.🠋🠋

one of them was a marble run here are mine, Eva's, and Lola's.📸📷 

we made them by cardboard boxes and color ice block sticks we also called it the hunted house.

we also made catapults we used them to see who was the farthest. I and Eva made one this is ours⮇

we made them out of rubber bands, spoon, and ice blocks sticks 

On the 25 of may  we made gliders we made them out of:
-paper [we folded them into a big circle and a little one].
-straw [we glued the circles onto the straw].
On the 26th Friday, we tested them our one came 2nd a couple
Of times.

thanks for reading 

from ruby 

Monday, June 24, 2019

🌋How volcanoes work🌋

🌋How volcanoes work🌋

Do you ever wonder how volcanoes work? Well, I am going to explain to you how they work.

How volcanoes work
When magma rises bubbles of gas from inside it. Runny magma erupts through openings causing events in the earth crust before flowing onto its surface as lava. Then rock called magma rises to the surface.

How they form
Volcanoes are formed when magma from within the earth upper mantle works its way to the surface. When volcanoes erupt they emit a mixture of gases and particles into the air. Some of them such as sulfur and dioxide have a cooling effect.

Why is it hot
Pressure and radiogenic heating make it very hot deep in the earth where rocks melt to make magma. The rock around the magma is a good insulator so the magma doesn't lose much heat on the way to the surface.

Now you know how volcanoes work. they have a lot of poisonous gases and deadly lava so beware of volcanoes and their terrifying lava especially when you live by one.

Thank you